Plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly are conditions characterized by an abnormal head shape in infants, often resulting from pressure on the baby’s skull while in the womb or after birth. These conditions can be concerning for parents, as they may affect both the appearance and development of the child’s head and face. While chiropractic care is not a standalone treatment for plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly, it can be a complementary therapy that supports the child’s overall health and development. In this article, we will explore how chiropractic care can assist with these conditions.

Understanding Plagiocephaly and Brachiocephaly

Plagiocephaly refers to a condition where a baby’s head is asymmetrical, with one side appearing flattened or misshapen. This often occurs because the baby tends to rest their head in the same position, causing pressure on one side of the skull. Brachiocephaly, on the other hand, involves flattening at the back of the head and is associated with the baby tilting their head to one side consistently.

“In the future, Chiropractic will be valued for its preventative qualities as much as for relieving and adjusting the cause of ailments.”

B. J. Palmer

Chiropractic Care and Its Role in Addressing Plagiocephaly and Brachiocephaly

Plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly are conditions that affect the shape of an infant’s head. These conditions can be concerning for parents, as they may impact the child’s appearance and development. Chiropractic care is a complementary therapy that some parents explore to address these issues. In this article, we will explain what plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly are and how chiropractic care can assist in managing these conditions.

Understanding Plagiocephaly and Brachiocephaly

  1. Plagiocephaly: Plagiocephaly is a condition where an infant’s head appears asymmetrical or flattened on one side. This condition often develops because babies tend to rest their heads in the same position, which puts consistent pressure on one side of the skull. This pressure can lead to changes in head shape.
  2. Brachiocephaly: Brachiocephaly involves flattening at the back of the baby’s head. It is typically associated with the baby frequently tilting their head to one side, which can result in a flat spot at the back of the skull. This condition can occur when babies favor one side when lying down or during sleep.

How Chiropractic Care Can Assist with Plagiocephaly and Brachiocephaly

Chiropractic care, while not a standalone treatment for plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly, can play a supportive role in managing these conditions. Here’s how chiropractic care can assist:

  1. Neck Muscle Tension: Chiropractors can assess and address tension in the neck muscles of infants. Tight neck muscles can contribute to plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly as they can limit the baby’s ability to turn their head freely. Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve this tension, promoting better head movement and reducing the risk of these conditions developing.
  2. Promoting Optimal Movement: Chiropractors can offer guidance to parents on how to encourage their baby to turn their head in both directions while lying down. These recommendations can help distribute pressure evenly across the baby’s skull, reducing the risk of developing flat spots.
  3. Assessing Cranial Alignment: Chiropractors are trained to evaluate cranial bone alignment. If they identify misalignments or subluxations in the baby’s skull, they may perform gentle adjustments to promote proper alignment. This can support healthy head shape development.
  4. Educating Parents: Chiropractors can educate parents on the importance of “tummy time” and varying the baby’s head position while they are awake and supervised. These practices can help reduce pressure on one side of the head and encourage balanced head development.

It’s crucial to emphasize that chiropractic care should be part of a comprehensive approach to managing plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly. Consultation with pediatric healthcare professionals, including pediatricians and pediatric physical therapists, is essential for a thorough assessment and guidance on treatment options. Chiropractic care should be pursued with caution, ensuring that the practitioner is experienced in working with infants and that adjustments are gentle and safe.

In conclusion, plagiocephaly and brachiocephaly are conditions that affect the shape of an infant’s head and can be managed with a multifaceted approach. Chiropractic care can assist by addressing neck muscle tension, promoting optimal head movement, assessing cranial alignment, and educating parents on healthy practices. However, it should always be used in conjunction with guidance from pediatric healthcare professionals to ensure the best outcomes for the child’s health and development.


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