Frequently Asked Questions

Every day help for our customers

For further insights into chiropractic care, click below to explore our ‘About Us’ page and deepen your understanding.

  • Everyone! Because chiropractic care is very gentle, people from infants to elderly can benefit.
  • Many patients respond quite quickly to chiropractic treatment. Our doctors will provide a specific treatment plan tailored to you! Typically they will see you somewhat close together for a short period of time, then as you improve the sessions will become further apart.
  • Chiropractic is gentle and effective at relieving musculoskeletal pain. The treatment itself is non-invasive and adjusted to each patients needs.
  • We are registered with all major medical aid schemes and MVA. We will provide you with itemized invoices that you may submit to claim back from your medical aid. Reception is happy to answer any questions about your specific plan!
  • We accept all major cards, eft, or cash payments.
  • You can book on online, or via call or WhatsApp!