Bed wetting defined is urinary incontinence either accidental or intentional urination in children, who are of an age where they should be able to control their bladder (Anon., 2023).

Types of enuresis:

  1. Diurnal (day time)
  2. Nocturnal (night time)
  3. Primary (child is yet to master potty training)
  4. Secondary (child did have periods of dryness but has reverted to incontinence).

Possible causes of enuresis:

These can be complex and could be multiple factorial (Anon., 2023)

  • Poor toilet training
  • Small bladders
  • Poor sleeping habbits/ sleep disorder
  • A problem with the hormones that control urination
  • Medication that affects sleep
  • Most children who bed wet have at least 1 close relative or parent that also suffered with bed wetting as child.

“Chiropractic embraces the science of life, the knowledge of how organisms act in health and disease, and also the art of adjusting the neuroskeleton.”

Daniel D. Palmer

Chiropractic and Enuresis

Being a chiropractic treatment will invariable involve providing chiropractic treatment. The research isn’t conclusive as to the effects of chiropractic treatment being the solution to bed wetting; however, when used in conjunction with other treatments (nutritional, physiological and medications) the results are more substantial and long lasting. This is what we know for sure from Dr Haavik’s research, chiropractic adjustments have a short and long term effect on the prefrontal and frontal cortex of the brain (Haavik- Taylor.H, Holt.K, and Murphy.B, 2010). These areas are responsible for overseeing the function of the lower brainstem, which controls micturition (Malykina, 2017).

A study done in 1991 (Leboeuf, 1991), found that 170 children aged 4-15 experienced an average decrease in bed wetting from 7 nights to 4 per week after receiving chiropractic treatment for bed wetting. 43% improvement for conservative treatment is pretty impressive to me.


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